He is Desperate For You

  Dear professing Christians,

Abba Father wants you to know that He is crying out for you right now. He longs for you. For you see, we have been so preoccupied with so many things in our life today. Yes, you are busy doing the works of the Lord and you might even be  genuinely doing them for HIM. But He wants you to know that more than your ministry, more than the works of your hands, He craves for your heart. He longs for an intimate talk with you. How long has it been since you've last abandoned everything, slipped away to a secret place, got down on your knees and cried out to HIM, " I just want you Lord!" Nothing less. Do you still remember the last time you came to HIM and just poured out your heart bereft of any agenda?  Do you know how desperate He is for you? Do you understand the depth, the width and the length of His love for His child who has  been away for HIM for such a long time already?

He is seeking for you. He is seeking for those who will seek His face. For those whose hearts are not tied to the world but are fully surrendered to HIM. For those who are trully hungry for HIM. For many christians today have traded His Presence for countless church activities, revival conferences, christian concerts and even preachings. Do you not know? He does not need your ministry. He wants your heart. He wants to know you. There is so much more and more He wants to reveal to you yet you are just too distant. He wants you to draw near to HIM. He can't force you to do that. Can you see His love there? He aches to hear your voice.

He wants you to come back to HIM. Come home. There is a longing in your heart that only He can satisfy. You have been looking at the wrong place with the wrong people. You may have a reputation of being so alive in your church but deep inside you are actually dead. As a white tombstone. Spiritually, you are dying inside. No amount of "spiritual" activities could compensate for that one moment in the presence of the most High God. A thousand revivals could not compare to that one transforming encounter with our Beloved Father when you stand before His glory as you seek HIM in the dead of the night.

Beloved, He searches your heart and He knows your ways. He knows you inside and out. The question is " Do you know HIM?" You can't know someone you don't spend time with. Would you allow HIM to make you vulnerable to HIM that you would just deny everything for the sake of knowing more of HIM?

Choose ye this day. For God looks at the heart and not at the outward appearance.


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